How To Install Windows 98 On Dosbox Commands
If you have an old PC that runs DOS, you can install Windows 1 on it and then copy the Windows folder whole onto a USB or zip drive or whatever you portable drive will work on it, and then simply copy it into your Dosbox folder. Mount and format your new hard disk image. Run fdisk, choose option 1 (“Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive”), then option 1 (“Create Primary DOS Partition”). When asked if you want the new partition to comprise the whole hard disk, choose Y. A system restart will be prompted. Press enter; DOSBox will quit. May 17, 2011 How To Install Windows 95,98 in DosBox razorbulan. Unsubscribe from razorbulan? How to Install & Configure printer, Network Printer - Duration: 36:05.
Is there a program out there called DOSbox. As far as I know it is a term meaning a computer running DOS as the kernel. Windows 98 is considered a DOS box because the Windows 98 OS is shelled on top of a DOS kernel. If you want to run Windows 1 (where the heck you got this version because it was never for resale) inside of Windows 98 then you simply make a PIF file to shell it.Md licence verification. Your other option is to duel boot the system. Just create a WIN.BAT file in the root C: and this will load in place of the WIN.COM shell. Then when you boot the system it will start DOS but never shell Windows 98.
Personally I don't know why you want to run Windows 1 because it was nothing more than a file manager. They added to DOS 5.0 and greater as a program called DOSshell..
I think you can still run dosshell in Windows 98. Just go to the command prompt and type dosshell.
Download Windows 98
They did away with this with Windows 2000 and NT 4 when they replaced the DOS kernel with OS/2 warp. Have fun with that old stuff.