Allen Bradley Serial Cable Pinout

  1. Allen Bradley Serial Cable Pinout Adapter
  2. Allen Bradley Serial Cable Pinout Box
  3. Allen Bradley Rs232 Pinout
Description (may be empty)
1 ?
2 ?
3 Gnd 0V
4 +5V Supply via resistor
5 Rx Data to PLC rs232 TTL
6 Tx From PLC to PC TTL 232

This DB9 to round mini din 8 RS232 is a direct replacement for the Allen Bradley 1761-CBL-PM02 Micrologix PLC Programming Cable. This 10' long serial cable fully supports RsLogix 500 and RsLinx communications DF1 or DH-485. This cable has a straight connector on the 8 pin round end. Home Allen-Bradley PAC CompactLogix How to connect to a CompactLogix using Serial. How to connect to a CompactLogix using Serial. Shawn_Tierney - October 13, 2015. If you already have a bag full of Allen-Bradley cables, for this exercise you'll need to grab the following two: 9300-USBS. Some of the Allen Bradley Rockwell Automatic Cables available include Bulletin 1609 Power Supply Cables. If you need a Allen Bradley Rockwell Automatic Cables not listed here, and/or pinout drawing identified call us at 800-931-3133 or email a request and any documents to

  • Pinout for Cat. 1784CAK RS232C Null Modem Cable for 9pin. Pinout for Cat. 1784CYS RS232C Interface Cable for 9pin Serial Port Connections to IBM 5531, AllenBradley 6120 Series or Compatible. Allen-Bradley 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA Tel: (1) 414 382-2000.
  • PLC Com Cables Buy PLC cables to connect from your PC to the PLC and upload or download PLC programs and edit ladder logic. Buy a PLC cable for Allen bradley Micrologix, SLC 500's, Control Logix, Compact Logix and a USB to serial converters.

Because I can't find good picture of socket, you need to rotate your PLC counter-clockwise - then numbers of pins will be OK.

Allen Bradley Serial Cable Pinout Adapter

Allen Bradley Serial Cable PinoutAllen bradley plc interface cable

Deus ex human revolution review. Rx pin is pull-up'ed to +5V

Allen Bradley Serial Cable Pinout Box

For conecting to PC you need simply converter on MAX-232, only rx,tx are used. California interim driver license.

After powering up PLC, Rx pin is Low about 3 seconds (lcd of plc is blank) , after that - is pull-up'ed.

Allen Bradley Rs232 Pinout

Model easy 619 from moeller, works (comunicate) with free Allen Bradley PicoSoft :)

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