Adobe Illustrator Cs6 3d Sphere
- Adobe Illustrator Cs6 3d Spheres
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All you have to do to draw a sphere in Illustrator is to draw a circle and cut that circle into a half circle. Then add the 3D revolve effect and 'presto', you have a perfect sphere. You even have some control on the surface texture and the light source. The 3D effect in Illustrator is quite a handy tool.
Revolving a Semicircle to Generate a Sphere
Now that we've touched on the conceptual dimension of 3Deffects, and I've briefly introduced extrusion and revolving, let's bring on themain act—the 3D Revolve effect. In the rest of this article, I'll show youhow to revolve a semicircle to generate a sphere, and then how to map a vectormap of the earth onto that revolvable globe.
In this example, we'll create a circle, cut it in half to createa semicircle, and then revolve the semicircle into a sphere. Let's getstarted:
- Selectthe Ellipse tool, hold down the Shift key, and click and drag to create acircle. (Holding down Shift as you drag constrains the ellipse to a perfectcircle.) Use the Direct Selection key to select the left anchor in the circle(see Figure 4).
- Pressthe Delete key to delete the left anchor, leaving a semicircle. Apply a thinblack stroke and no fill to the semicircle (you can select these attributes fromthe control panel).
- Withthe semicircle selected, choose Effect > 3D > Revolve to open the 3DRevolve Options dialog.
- Clickthe More Options button in the 3D Revolve Options dialog. From the Surfacepop-up, choose Wireframe. You'll be applying a map to the surface of the sphere,but for now the wireframe helps give a sense of the 3D generated effect.
- Chooseeither the left edge or the right edge from the From pop-up. (Enabling thePreview checkbox will reveal the different effect generated by starting fromeither the right or left edge.)
- Inthe Revolve area of the dialog, set the Angle to the default value of 360degrees to generate a fully revolved object (see Figure5).
Figure 5 A generated 3D sphere.
- Playwith the rotation of the sphere: Click and drag on the cube to define all threeaxes: x (horizontal), y (vertical), and z (front to back).
- Whenyou have finished defining the 3D Revolve effect, click OK.
Create 3D Effects in Illustrator CS6 - Sphere and Vase Example. Circle Pixel Logo Design Tutorial Using 3D Revolve Effect in illustrator CS6. (Transparent sphere) in Adobe Illustrator CS5. Dec 02, 2013 Logo looks 3D brings and easy way how to achieve a 3D effect with the gradient, mesh, blending and other tools (transparency, opacity mask, pen tool etc.) in Illustrator.
Today we collected 25+ 3D Adobe Illustrator Tutorials, where 3D effect is the most probably used in every design project. These tutorial briefly explains how to design an attractive designs using different 3D effects. Dec 10, 2015 Have a look at my globe by downloading the final Illustrator CS6 file. Final Illustrator File. You can rotate the globe by going into the ‘3D Revolve Options’ once again. Be sure the globe is selected and go back to Effect / 3D / Revolve. Now drag the cube. How to Create an Abstract Web Design with 3D Spheres in Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator CS3 - CS6. Duplicate the 3D sphere and reduce the sizes of some of its.
3D tools are independent of the Perspective Grid toolsand 3D objects are treated like any other object in perspective.
3D effects enable you to create three-dimensional(3D) objects from two-dimensional (2D) artwork. You can controlthe appearance of 3D objects with lighting, shading, rotation, andother properties. You can also map artwork onto each surface ofa 3D object.
There are two ways to create a 3D object: byextruding or revolving. In addition, you can also rotate a 2D or3D object in three dimensions. To apply or modify 3D effects foran existing 3D object, select the object and then double-click the effectin the Appearance panel.
3D objects may display anti-aliasingartifacts on screen, but these artifacts won’t print or appear inartwork optimized for the web.
For a video about working with 3D objects in Illustrator, see Moving into the world of 3D.
Extrudingextends a 2D object along the object’s z axis to adddepth to the object. For example, if you extrude a 2D ellipse, itbecomes a cylinder.
The object’s axis always lies perpendicularto the object’s front surface and moves relative to the object ifthe object is rotated in the 3D Options dialog box.
- Click More Options to view thecomplete list of options, or Fewer Options to hide the extra options.
- Select Preview to preview the effect in the documentwindow.
Sets how the object is rotated and the perspective fromwhich you view it. (See Set3D rotation position options.)
Determines the object’s depth and the extent of any bevel addedto or cut from it. (See Extrude& Bevel options.)
Creates a wide varietyof surfaces, from dull and unshaded matte surfaces to glossy andhighlighted surfaces that look like plastic. (See Surface shadingoptions.)
Addsone or more lights, varies the light intensity, changes the object’s shadingcolor, and moves lights around the object, for dramatic effects.(See Lightingoptions.)
Maps artwork onto the surfaces of a 3D object. (See Mapartwork to a 3D object.)
- Extruded object without a beveled edge (left) compared toobject with Bevel Extent In (middle) and with Bevel Extent Out (right)
Revolvingsweeps a path or profile in a circular direction aroundthe global y axis (revolve axis) to create a 3D object.Because the revolve axis is vertically fixed, the open or closedpath that you revolve typically needs to depict half of the desired 3Dobject’s profile in a vertical and front-facing position; you canthen rotate the 3D object’s position in the effect’s dialog box.
Applying the 3D Revolve effect to one or more objectssimultaneously revolves each object around its own axis. Each objectresides in its own 3D space and can’t intersect other 3D objects.Applying the Revolve effect to a targeted group or layer, on theother hand, revolves the objects around a single axis.
Revolving a filled path with no stroke is muchfaster than revolving a stroked path.
- Select Preview to preview the effect in the documentwindow.
- Click More Options to view thecomplete list of options, or Fewer Options to hide the extra options.
Sets how the object is rotated and the perspective fromwhich you view it. (See Set3D rotation position options.)
Determines how to sweep the path around the object toturn it into three dimensions. (See Revolveoptions.)
Creates a wide varietyof surfaces, from dull and unshaded matte surfaces to glossy andhighlighted surfaces that look like plastic. (See Surface shadingoptions.)
Adds one or more lights, variesthe light intensity, changes the object’s shading color, and moveslights around the object, for dramatic effects. (See Lightingoptions.)
Maps artwork onto the surfaces of a 3D object. (See Mapartwork to a 3D object.)
Choose a preset position from the Positionmenu.
For unconstrained rotation, drag a track cube face.The front of the object is represented by the track cube’s blueface, the object’s top and bottom faces are light gray, the sidesare medium gray, and the back face is dark gray.
To constrain the rotation along a global axis, holddown Shift while dragging horizontally (global y axis) orvertically (global x axis). To rotate the object around theglobal z axis, drag in the blue band that surrounds the trackcube.
To constrain the rotation around an object axis,drag an edge on the track cube. The pointer changes to a double-sidedarrow , andthe cube edge changes color to identify the axis around which theobject will rotate. Red edges represent the object’s x axis,green edges represent the object’s y axis, and blue edgesrepresent the object’s z axis.
Enter values between –180 and 180 in the horizontal(x) axis , vertical(y) axis , anddepth (z) axis textboxes.
To adjust the perspective, enter a value between0 and 160 in the Perspective text box. A smaller angle is similarto a telephoto camera lens; a larger lens angle is similar to awide-angle camera lens.
A lens angle that is higher than 150 may result inobjects extending beyond your point of view and appearing distorted.Also, keep in mind that there are object x, y, and z axes and globalx, y, and z axes. Object axes remain relative to an object’s positionin its 3D space. Global axes remain fixed relative to the computerscreen; the x axis lies horizontally, the y axis lies vertically,and the z axis lies perpendicular to the computer screen.
Sets the depth of the object, using a value between 0 and2000.
Specifies whether the object appears solid (Revolve Cap On ) orhollow (Revolve Cap Off ).
Applies the type of beveled edge you choose along the depth(z axis) of the object.
Sets the height between 1 and 100. Bevel heights that aretoo large for an object may cause the object to self-intersect andproduce unexpected results.
Adds the bevel to the object’s original shape.
Carves the bevel out of the object’s original shape.
Sets the number of degrees to revolve the path, between 0and 360.
Specifies whether the object appears solid (Revolve Cap On ) orhollow (Revolve Cap Off ).
Adds distance between the revolve axis and the path, to createa ring-shaped object, for instance. You can enter a value between0 and 1000.
Sets the axis around which the object revolves, either theLeft Edge or Right Edge.
Lets you choose options for the shading surfaces:
Outlines the contours of the object’s geometry and makeseach surface transparent.
Adds no new surface properties to the object. The 3D objecthas the same color as the original 2D object.
Adobe Illustrator Cs6 3d Spheres
Makes the object reflect light in a soft, diffuse pattern.
Makes the object reflect light as if it were made of a shiny,high-gloss material.
note: Depending on what option you choose,different lighting options are available. If the object only usesthe 3D Rotate effect, the only Surface choices available are DiffuseShading or No Shading.
Controls the light intensity between 0% and 100%.
Controls the global lighting, which changes the brightnessof all the object’s surfaces uniformly. Enter a value between 0%and 100%.
Controls how much the object reflects light, with values rangingfrom 0% to 100%. Lower values produce a matte surface, and higher valuescreate a shinier-looking surface.
Controls the size of the highlight from large (100%) to small(0%).
Controls how smoothly the shading appears across the object’s surfaces.Enter a value between 1 and 256. Higher numbers produce smoother shadesand more paths than lower numbers.
Displays the object’s hidden backfaces. The backfaces are visibleif the object is transparent, or if the object is expanded and thenpulled apart.
note: If your object has transparency and you want thehidden backfaces to display through the transparent front faces,apply the Object > Group command to the object beforeyou apply the 3D effect.
Preserve Spot Color (Extrude & Bevel effect, Revolveeffect, and Rotate effect)
Lets you preserve spot colors in the object. Spot colorscan’t be preserved if you chose Custom for the Shading Color option.
Defines where the light is. Drag the light to where you wantit on the sphere.
Moves the selected light behind the object.
Moves the selected light in front of the object.
Adds a light. By default, new lights appear in the front centerof the sphere.
Changes the selected light’s intensity between 0% and 100%.
Controls the object’s shading color, depending on the command youchoose:
Adobe Illustrator Cs6 3d Sphere Download
Whenmapping 3D objects, consider the following:
Adobe Illustrator Cs6 3d Tutorial
Senseless things the singles rarities. Note the similar record covers of Is It Too Late and Andi In A Karmann. Jamie Hewlett must of been too busy with Tank Girl to do another sleeve for them.
Adobe Illustrator 3d Text Effects
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